Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Moi University

I thought I would post some pictures of the Moi University campus, and give people a feel for how it looks, and what we see every day.
This is the main administrative building at Moi.  It is where all the big wigs work.  A very nice structure, though if you look closely it needs a coat of paint, as does pretty much everything here.

This is kind of a cool monument that we walk by every day on the way to school.
This is where my office is, which actually reminds me a lot of Kyser Hall at NSU!
This is something you don't see every day, even in Louisiana, but it's a pretty common sight here at Moi.

This is a matatu, the kind of vehicle we take to town.  These are EVERYWHERE in Kenya, some safer than others.  But they are cheap, basically 100 shillings to town, which is about a dollar.

This is the entrance to our Walmart.  Dusty, dirty, a little filthy, with sheep running around.

This is Evan in front of our house.  It is actually pretty nice on the outside, and is getting better on the inside.

Evan under the mosquito net.  More later!

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